Saturday, October 25, 2008

Going to JAM

When the Jam year starts I get excited! Because I get snacks and gym & everything. And on Halloween we have a paraide of costumes. I’m being a pirate.

We sing church songs with a guy named Travase too. But it is also nice to see my dad at the end too.

I love Jam!

Note from Mom: JAM means "Jesus and Me" and is a midweek kids club at our church. The illustration is Harper's plan for this year's costume, currently under construction.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Late Night Adventures

When my mom gets me into bed she thinks I'm a good girl... but negeteve. But insted the late night abventures begean. Oh, I'm sorry. Are you ready to begian? And I pick up my book and start flipping through time and countrys and every thing until I get to story time land. and time passes and things feel heavy. and soggy. but I keep up awhile linger. And then agein my book feels heavy. and a thingy kicks my head to my room. and the late night advertures end and the sleepy adventures begain. good night.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Teacher Had a Baby

Mrs. Matthews’ water blew. She had her baby at 11:00 sharp at night, after the concert. Her name is Payton. She is cute, she wears soft diapers, she has soft skin and she is a baby. But the important thing is, she’s finally alive.

(as dictated to Daddy and typed verbatim by Mommy)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

No tooth with ribs

On my birthday I lost my last front tooth! Only to bad for me, when I went to a rib restaurant and when I tried to chue my ribs I kept chueing my cheek. So I chued softer things instead. That was better. I was happy to go home to rest my cheek!