Saturday, October 25, 2008

Going to JAM

When the Jam year starts I get excited! Because I get snacks and gym & everything. And on Halloween we have a paraide of costumes. I’m being a pirate.

We sing church songs with a guy named Travase too. But it is also nice to see my dad at the end too.

I love Jam!

Note from Mom: JAM means "Jesus and Me" and is a midweek kids club at our church. The illustration is Harper's plan for this year's costume, currently under construction.


Karla B Crabb said...

I can hardly wait to see a picture of you in your pirate costume!!!!

Mimi said...

What a good artist you are! Is that pigtails I see in your drawing? Will you wear your hair that way with your costume? I hope you call to tell me about the parade. I am glad you like JAM.

Auntie Joyce said...

JAM sounds so cool! I hope you have a great time. Love the pirate costume drawing.

granna said...

JAM sounds like a lot of fun and I think you will make a great pirate on parade day. What about the great pumpkin?
